This is me a few days after I was found. Severely sick and still scared. 
After a lot of treatment and help from Dr.Priya, my saviour - I got better. My main human made sure I was strong enough to fight Paro Virus.

I started staying inside Linen Studio throughout the day. One day masterji started to take my measurements. I was clueless about what was happening and thought that the long tape was meant for me to play with. I kept trying to run away with it. In a few hours, he got 2 different outfits for me which I tore completely in the next few hours.

The affordable luxury indeed :D

These are my fav paw friends. They too kind of live with me in my home. They come outside the store in the afternoon and play with me till evening. Then they come back by midnight and all sleep right outside the main entrance till morning. Every day. Every night.

I heard somebody say that any human can not be even 1/5th as good as us 5 when it comes to security. We guard our home. We guard it well. 


I have become sort of popular in my area. I have few humans who come very often to the store just to play with me. They come with yummy treats too!! I love being the centre of attraction ;) 

This is just my family comforting me while I sleep and then taking me to the beach where I love to dig in the sand. I also love to go for long drives with my head outside the window trying to fight the wind.

My main humans wanted a Harley Quinn coloured Great Dane at their home. That was till I arrived :p

After they say how cute, affectionate, intelligent, playful, mischievous and loyal I am - they always want to adopt more of us :)

Not everybody can keep us inside their homes and offices, it is understandable. But you can leave some water and food daily at a fixed place which is easily accessible by us.

I am fed and taken care of, but there are plenty like me on every street who are still searching for their human friend.
Be their fav human!

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